Sunday, August 30, 2009

we made it to addis!  on the way back from the airport i saw cows, sheep, goats, roosters, and donkeys on the side of the road.  it is amazing they don't wander into the street.  i also saw three people going to the bathroom.  don't see that every day!
we went shopping this afternoon....that was an experience.  the people are amazingly nice....even when they are begging.  :)
i get to meet josie tomorrow afternoon!  yeah!  it will be about 4am your time.  i can't wait.
i am hoping to post some pictures tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. please give josie some hugs and kisses from cici when you meet her! missing you like crazy...reach for the phone to text and remember that you're across the world. this is so exciting!!! i can't wait to hear all about this journey and see the pictures that i know you are and hugs from texas.
