Monday, August 31, 2009

Huge Praise!!!

Josie Marie is in my arms!!!!  And literally, that's about the only place she is.  She's had a little bit of a rough transition, but she definitely knows that I'm her mama. :)  She is absolutely beautiful!!  I got my first look at her in person as we were driving thru the gates at the foster home, she was chilling out in her walker in the doorway just checking things out. 
She's got a little flare for drama and I'm detecting a little bit of a strong will  : )  She is all about things on her terms.  So far, she's not so much into eating, I did get her to drink some water this morning and am hoping she will eat something at breakfast.  She cried quite a bit yesterday, but would always calm when she snuggled up into my chest.  She slept pretty well last night, only woke up a few times and would go back to sleep if she was laying on me. 
The most precious time came this morning...she woke up next to me and we just looked at each other for 5 min, she did not take her eyes off of me.  I even got a smile out of her this morning  :) 
I'll update as I can...we didn't have power yesterday....just all part of this amazing experience!!!  I'm going to try and post a pic when I can.  Thanks again for all of your prayers...please pray specifically for her transistion with me.  She's not a big fan of change and she's all about her terms.  Also pray she will start bonding with Kelly so the 16 hr plane ride home will be a little better if we can share the responsibilities.  Right now, I'll be happy if she eats today and hopefully some more smiles!!!  :)

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