Saturday, August 29, 2009

first leg of the trip is down.  12 hour lay over in dubai.  we just took advantage and took a tour of the city.  this will probably be my only time to be in dubai!  lots of money floating around this place.

the plane ride was bearable.  i watched alot of movies but did not get a lot of sleep.  we are about to eat dinner (11pm) and have to be back up to the airport at 6am.  yikes!  not good getting eight hours of sleep in 48 hours!  oh well, we are getting to experience things that i have never done or seen before.  the muslim prayer in the airport, emirates mall with indoor snow skiing and the atlantis resort (8 star hotel) were all firsts for kelly and i.

hopefully tomorrow we will get to love on josie and kiss those cheeks for the first time....if not, for sure on monday!  :) 

thanks for your prayers!  i will update as i can.

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