Tuesday, September 1, 2009


hey guys.....
i just received a call from our in country coordinator.  he said that some paperwork was not submitted in time and we will NOT be having our embassy appointment tomorrow (wednesday).  we (five families) are going to the embassy in the morning to talk to them to see if an exception can be made.  please be praying that they will allow us to have our appointment tomorrow.
if we don't have it tomorrow, we will have to wait until next wednesday for our appointment which would mean that we would not be able to come home until a week from saturday.  which would mean that josie and i would be traveling alone because kelly will have to go back. 
we have one saving grace....there is a guy (who is adopting also) staying here at the guest house that has a friend who works at the embassy.  we are hoping that he will be able to help us. 
please pray that the embassy will hear our case tomorrow so that we can leave on saturday (we won't get josie's visa until friday afternoon....it takes two days to get the visa after the appointment).


  1. Tim and I have been praying and will add your specific prayer requests to our prayers! I'm loving that you are able to post...I love reading your blog. The girls and I are so excited for you and can't wait to meet Jocie!

    Love you lots! Prayers are being sent your way all the time for y'all!

    Tell Kelly Hi!

  2. sue, sue, sue and josie...ahhhhh, happy tears for this adventure you are taking. sending my love to you from texas and missing you all like crazy. i will try another email to you later.

  3. Sue and Sweet Josie,

    Prayers for resolution at the embassy and safe travel home. Hugs to you, Josie and Kelly.

    Love, Andrea
